I have blogs in my feed reader that I look to hopefully every week, although new posts don’t appear from the blogs in question very often. But, when a new post does appear, it was worth waiting for. Who are these quiet folks, so seldom heard from?
- Cindy’s Take on Tech is by Cindy Royal, who called out Wired Magazine this year.
- danah boyd: apophenia is always insightful
- Stubbornella is so smart half the time I don’t even know what she’s talking about when she does talk
- Thoughts from Eric are welcome anytime
- 24 Ways goodness comes but once a year, but it’s worth the wait
- A Blog Not Limited is rare but worthy
There are also some blogs I read just because the writers are so amazingly good at writing. They don’t have anything to do with web tech or education. These great writers include
- Mountain Poet a new blog by Storyteller Granny Sue
- Be Gay About It which has some of the best writing I’ve read anywhere about anything
- Random Short Stories which use my writing prompts from First 50 Words in totally creative ways.