Memorability is a free photo book app for iPad. It uses a simple drag and drop interface to allow you to create photo books. The completed photo book can be shared on Facebook, by email, or on a private Memorability social network.
There are many themes available for the photo books. Quite a few come installed with the app, others currently cost $0.99. The themes are attractive and the finished photo books are lovely and professional looking.
I met the developer of the app at BlogHer13. She told me if I used the Promo code BLOGHER I could get a theme free. Feel free to use the promo code yourself. I should have entered the promo code the moment I downloaded the app on iTunes. Later, when I selected one of the $0.99 apps to download it was too late and I had to pay for it. Learn from my mistake.
I gave the app a test run. I didn’t have any particular topic in mind like a family event that I wanted to make a photo book for, so I just randomly choose some photos from my iPad. I selected the theme I’d purchased and was ready to go. Each theme has a number of page options, so I first selected a page type, then dragged a photo into it. Some pages allow the addition of text. Some allow the addition of sound. Some have areas for more than one photo per page. All the page options are obvious and simple to use.
I made several pages. A double tap let me preview. I selected to share on Facebook and the app created an mp4 file, which it sent to Facebook. Later I decided to email the file to myself, so I selected share by email. The iPad went through the process of creating the video file all over again and sent it to me.
Unfortunately the mp4 file created by Memorability is too large for WordPress to accept, so I can’t show it to you here. Since I only had 5 or so images in the photo book, the large file size is a drawback to sharing for someone like me who was thinking of putting the video file on the web.
It’s easy to edit a photo book once after you’ve completed it. It’s easy to get to the list of all the photo books you’ve made. Really, this app is just plain easy to use.
As far as I can tell, it’s only available for iOS right now, but it’s early days for this app. I’m sure it will expand in future versions.
Memorability has a Facebook page and is @MemorabilityApp on Twitter.