The Union of Concerned Scientists published the results of much research and data collection in an interactive map. Clicking on the various hot spots around the world map leads you to several things. You see local results of climate change, a link to an action item and a link to a solution item.
Interactive Climate Change Map with popup
In this example, the ACTION button leads to a suggestion to write a letter to a coal fired electric generating plant in the area asking that they capture CO2 emissions from their smokestack. The REGIONAL SOLUTION button has general information and links about things like:
elevating energy efficiency
promoting renewable energy
reducing coal emissions
greening transportation
providing assistance to developing countries to reduce deforestation and switch to clean energy technologies
I know you are seeing the effects of climate change where you live. Too much rain or not enough. Changes in plants, new animals in the area or disappearing animals in the area, extreme weather events like tornadoes and hurricanes, too hot, too cold, TOO SOMETHING. The items on the list above are not just regional. They are solutions needed everywhere – now.
Want to do something patriotic for the 4th of July? Take a couple of the ACTION steps from this interactive map.
. . . he acknowledged the only sensible goal, when it comes to climate emissions, is to eliminate them: we should be aiming for a civilization that produces no net emissions, and we should be aiming to live in that civilization here in the developed world by 2050.
Obviously, that’s a big goal. Because he is the world’s biggest geek, to explain how he plans to achieve that goal, Gates put up a slide with a formula (which we can call the Gates Climate Equation):
Think ahead to December. Cast your mind to Copenhagen.
This December, the United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark. Unlike the last time there was a conference of this magnitude ( in Kyoto), the United States will take part in the deliberations and (I hope) agree to abide by the resolutions.
Last week I saw ads on TV and in the local newspapers saying “CO2 is Green” and urging people to contact their legislators to encourage them NOT to limit the production of CO2. While not technically incorrect to consider carbon dioxide a naturally occurring gas needed by green plants, it is misleading to try to get anyone to think that the planet currently needs more CO2.
The real problem we face is too much CO2 in the atmosphere right now. The effect of this overabundance of carbon dioxide is global warming, which leads to more droughts, more floods, less ice and snow which means less drinking water, increases in ocean temperatures which means loss of sea life, rising sea levels which means loss of land under the rising oceans, and extreme weather everywhere. In terms of loss of life in the ocean, methane is also a huge problem. The ultimate result of just two degrees of global warming could be a planet no longer able to sustain life as we know it. We’ve already passed the maximum safe limit of 350 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere and are at a dangerous 390 ppm and still climbing.
What needs to happen in Copenhagen—what must happen in Copenhagen—is for governments to agree to strict, enforceable limits and reductions on the man-made production of CO2 by business, transportation, energy production, housing, deforestation, and every man-made source of CO2. There are many viable ways to reach this goal and we need to accept and use them all: conservation, renewable energy sources, restrictions on emissions, land-use changes, transportation changes—the list is long and nothing should be ignored or excluded. We—you and me and the entire cultural milieu of blissful ignorance regarding the effect we have on the natural systems of our planet—must change. We—you and me and industry, government and culture—must change. The only change that will matter is to create limits and reductions.
Achievable gains in energy efficiency, renewable energy, forest conservation, and sustainable land use worldwide could achieve up to 75 percent of needed global emissions reductions in 2020 at a net savings of $14 billion.
Big business fights against new rules that would limit emissions, but that is a false economy on their parts. The attitude that profit making has no connection to the natural environment that supports life on the planet has to change.
What can you do about the problem of global warming?
Contact your government officials and let them know that strong action is needed in Copenhagen to both cap and reduce the production of greenhouses gases (CO2). This is the most important thing you can do. Government officials need to know that citizens support strong action now before it’s too late. If you are a U.S. citizen, sign the letter to President Obama to Take Action. But personal letters and emails to all your particular government officials are needed, too.
Support the efforts of and take part in their International Day of Climate Action October 24
Support 10:10 and their activities to reduce emissions 10% by 2010.