Review: Create Stunning HTML Email that Just Works

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A review by Web Teacher of Create Stunning HTML Email That Just Works (rating: 5 stars) Create Stunning HTML Email That Just Works by Mathew Patterson is from Sitepoint (2010).

I have opted in to quite a few corporate emails. They all come to my inbox in HTML. Some are more effective than others. Some get me to click through. Some I delete without even opening. This slim book talks about how to create an effective HTML email that will get clicks and will be effective.

The chapters include

  1. Why Email?
  2. Planning an Email Campaign
  3. Design for the Inbox
  4. Coding Your Emails
  5. Understanding Permission
  6. Selling Email to Your Clients

The author, Mathew Patterson, works for Campaign Monitor, and he does draw from that background. He isn’t knocking you over the head with Campaign Monitor, however, and gives credit to other email campaign services like MailChimp. What he does represent is the idea of legitimate business email as opposed to spam. He talks about how to get permission from people to opt-in, how to let people unsubscribe with ease, and the legal requirements of email campaigns. He spends quite a few pages detailing the capabilities of various email applications and explains carefully what will and won’t work in most email clients.

I was most interested in what he had to say in the chapter on coding email. No surprise, that. If you learned to make a web page 10 or 12 years ago, you are in great shape to market yourself as an email designer. If you are learning HTML now, you aren’t learning the old school coding techniques needed for email. Some of the tools of the email coder:

  • 600 pixel layout tables of one or two columns
  • presentational attributes in the code for things like cellspacing, cellpadding, bgcolor, and borders
  • inline styles for things like fonts and line-height
  • reduce reliance on images
  • always use alt text
  • caption images
  • store images permanently on your web server
  • use target="_blank" for links

In spite of the fact that some pundits have declaired email to be dead, it’s actually the most used protocol on the Internet. People who don’t do much of anything else on the Internet do use email. Companies and nonprofits rely on email for newsletters, announcements, calls to action, sales, and press releases. I think HTML email skills will be needed for a long time to come, and I think there is a niche market out there for people who can create well designed and effective email for a living.

This book opened up an educational can of worms for me. Do you think that an educational system should include the old school HTML techniques needed for effective email campaigns as a part of the curriculum? Should they be offered as a separate class or maybe a brief workshop, not a whole semester? Should the InterACT Curriculum include a module for HTML email?

Summary: A guide to the ethics and coding of HTML email.

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Useful Links: Reason, Border-radius, Cognitive Surplus

Reason is an open source CMS that several colleges have used with success. How Luther College is Using Reason, is a thorough review of its pluses and minuses.

Border-radius. Put a number in one of the corner boxes and there you go.

Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age. Beth Kanter reviews Clay Shirky’s new book and then offers to give it away, along with her newest, The Networked Nonprofit.

Review: Mobile Design and Development

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A review by Web Teacher of Mobile Design and Development: Practical Concepts and Techniques for Creating Mobile Sites and Web Apps (rating: 4 stars)

Mobile Design and Development by Brian Fling is from O’Reilly (2009). This is a rich, deep look at mobile design. A multitude of devices and platforms defy standard answers to every mobile design and development situation, but Fling leads you though some steps meant to help you navigate those issues.

The book first explains the mobile landscape and defines some of the needed terminology. A look at the scope of the mobile market gets a chapter. Fling devotes Chapter 4 to “Designing for Context.” Context is an important concept he returns to in every chapter. He defines and redefines context throughout the book. In Chapter 4 he explains context as the way users will derive value from something they are currently doing. From this viewpoint, user context understands user circumstance. Context also means the environment in which a task is performed. These types of context include physical location, device, platform, access, media and the user’s time and attention.

To design for context, he poses some questions such as,

  • Who are your users?
  • What is happening?
  • When will they interact?
  • Where are they?
  • Why will they use your app?
  • How are they using their mobile device?

Chapter 5 talks about developing a mobile strategy. He looks at reasons why some attempts fail while others succeed. The style of thinking that works in other forms of design and development don’t work for mobile. He takes a look at thinking patterns and development decisions and makes many points about how to unleash the creativity needed to develop for the new world of mobile.

The many types of mobile applications are explained in Chapter 6. In Chapter 7, he explains information architecture as it applies to mobile devices. In Chapter 8 he discusses the elements of design that apply to mobile.

  • Context
  • Message
  • Look and Feel
  • Layout
  • Color
  • Typography
  • Graphics

Mobile Web apps vs. native applications are examined in Chapter 9. There’s also a chapter devoted to the notion of mobile 2.0. The nitty gritty details of using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create products for mobile browsers and devices gets the treatment in Chapter 11, and in Chapter 12, which is focused on iPhone Web Apps and WebKit. He talks about how to take an existing Web app and adapt it for mobile. There’s a chapter about how to make money in mobile. A chapter devoted to devices and device testing plans has good ideas for ways to test. The book winds down with a chapter on the opportunities and future of mobile.

Anyone who is thinking of developing for mobile can benefit from this book. I think it would be especially valuable for business leaders who are successful in some area of technology and want to move into the mobile market. Thinking that worked in other situations doesn’t help in mobile. The thinking patterns, development strategies, and new approaches needed for mobile development are well explained here. A person willing to make the changes needed will find excellent examples and strategies for change in this book.

Summary: In-depth guide to mobile design and development concepts and techniques.

Cross posted at Webuquerque.

Review: The CSS Detective Guide

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A review by Web Teacher of The CSS Detective Guide: Tricks for solving tough CSS mysteries (rating: 4 stars)

CSS Detective Guide by Denise R. Jacobs is from New Riders (2010). This book would be most helpful for beginners. The cover lists the level as beginning/intermediate, which makes sense, but I think beginners will get the most out of it. It’s difficult for a person who already has a strong skill set to remember what the beginner’s mind is like. Jacobs is a master at it.

In Part 1 of the book, she takes the reader through a succinct and very clear introduction to HTML and CSS with standards and semantics thrown into the mix. She describes the debugging process and gives all sorts of checklists for troubleshooting both HTML and CSS. One chapter in Part 1, called “The Usual Suspects” takes the reader efficiently through document flow, positioning, the box model, hasLayout, floats, lists, margins, nasties like the Peakaboo bug, font sizing and a list of fixes for the related design issues. The book is worth the price for Part 1 alone.

I’d give you the chapter titles, but they aren’t informative. The chapter titles are like “Investigating the Scene of the Crime.” That chapter is about HTML document structure, semantic HTML, and CSS.

The tips for isolating problems and figuring out why certain bits of HTML or CSS aren’t working as expected are helpful checklists. For a beginner who is pulling her hair out because something just won’t behave as expected, these lists of how to systematically work through the code in search of the answer are a great resource.

Part 2 of the book is devoted to chapters with a real world “detective case” about a design problem to solve. Each case starts with a design problem. The problem might be a forgotten bit of code, syntax issues, a float problem, and browser workarounds. There are several pages of code in each of the real-world example chapters. Jacobs walks the reader through the code in the debugging process. (The code doesn’t seem to be online anywhere. If a reader wanted to recreate the pages and manually put the fixes in place to see the results, it would have to be typed from scratch. At least I couldn’t find any mention of an online code bank for the detective cases.) [AMENDED: According to the author, the code will be available at by June 15, 2010. Don’t start typing, you’ll get the code soon.]

There are many IE6 issues and workarounds explained in this book. I’m not convinced a beginning designer needs to worry about IE6 now, at least in the U.S. But when you consider that New Riders has an international distribution system, I think there are still many people who will find this helpful. IE6 is a legacy hangover that lingers.

Summary: A good resource for basic HTML and CSS concepts, with many helpful tips for finding and debugging design issues.

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Review: Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook

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A review by Web Teacher of Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook, Special Edition (rating: 5 stars)

Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook, Special Edition by Dan Cedarholm is from Friends of ED (2009). This is an updated edition of Cedarholm’s 2004 book by the same name. When I reviewed the 2004 book, this is what I said.

The book grew out of Cederholm’s practice of asking his users to offer ideas on markup by asking questions such as, “What is the best way to markup such-and-such a page element with XHTML?” The responses were interesting and so is the book, which explores standards-based structural markup and CSS in a way that is fast and easy reading and provides very useful content.

Cederholm covers topics such as markup for lists, headings, tables, forms, and anchors. He looks at CSS for all those elements, plus print styles, CSS layouts, image replacement techniques, and body styles. He examines possible ways to do all these things and brings you gently to understand the way that best uses standards and semantic markup to accomplish the job.

Although this is not a book for beginners, students with basic knowledge of XHTML and CSS will like this book. It is quick to use, provides good examples and resources, and is written in an engaging and light-hearted style that is fun to read. Definitely recommended.

That review still tells the story of what this book is about. Much of the content is unchanged. A small amount of new content has been added. For example, in the chapter “Applying CSS” there is now a section on “Reset Styles.” With the 2009 edition, there are bonus materials available online from Friends of ED. These include the example files from the book, a couple of extra chapters (one by Ian Lloyd) and several appendix-type reference chapters.

Although the bonus materials are excellent, they may not be enough of an incentive to buy the new edition if you own the 2004 edition. If you don’t own the 2004 edition, this is a terrific book for anyone interested in semantic markup to own. It’s worth buying. You will learn much about the best markup solutions to most text formatting questions.

Summary: An updated classic about semantic markup and CSS.

Cross posted at Webuquerque.

Review: Web Design for Developers

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A review by Web Teacher of Web Design for Developers: A Programmer’s Guide to Design Tools and Techniques (Pragmatic Programmers)

(rating: 3 stars)

Web Design for Developers: A Programmers Guide to Design Tools and Techniques by Brian P. Hogan, is, as the title suggests, aimed at developers rather than at designers. In just over 300 pages, Hogan tries to cover everything about creating a web site starting from initial pencil sketches to the finished product. Included are chapters about color, typography, structure, content, HTML, CSS, print and mobile CSS, cross-browser isssues, accessibility, search engine optimization, testing and a set of resources.

The list of topics sounds really good. It’s a lot to ask of one book, and it’s a decent book, but it isn’t a great book. The 300 pages are a restriction. Some things that could take a whole chapter to explain were mentioned with one or two sentences. There are good tips and techniques in the book, but there are also a number of things about the book that I found problematic. For example, in the section on building the home page search form with HTML, the notion of using the <label> with form fields is ignored. Later in the book, the developer is told to go back to the form and add <label> elements for the sake of accessibility. I’m glad he got around to mentioning it, points for that, but doesn’t it make better sense to tell a developer how to design an accessible form right the first time it’s mentioned? Otherwise, it feels like something you might do after you’re finished if you feel like getting around to it.

Some of the information seems out of date. The accessibility chapter talks about using access keys, an idea that’s no longer considered best practice. The use of unobtrusive JavaScript is mentioned in passing after several JavaScript ideas that are not unobtrusive have been trotted out. A tag cloud example is given with links reading <a href="#">. The use of the pound sign in the element is explained by saying that it will be replaced programmatically later, but that programming is never mentioned.

The sections on color and typography were good. The sections on images and image optimization were good.The coding examples in both HTML 4 and HTML 5 for the layout were well done. I had to keep reminding myself that the audience for this book is developers who are adept at things like Java or Ruby or PHP but don’t necessarily know how to make a web site look appealing. Limited and flawed as the book seems to a web standards advocate like myself, to a developer this might be the quick and simple guidance that is needed for a project.

When I read the title of the book I initially thought it might be something along the lines of the classic The Non-Designer’s Web Book by Robin Williams, with its explanation of design techniques. The title gives that impression. However, this book is nothing like that.

Summary: A general and wide-ranging look at web design techniques.

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Review: The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever

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A review by Web Teacher of
The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever

(rating: 4 stars)

The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever by Cliff Atkinson is from New Riders (2010). Cliff Atkinson is telling stories. He takes real people, real presentations, and weaves them into an instruction manual for how to deal with the way presentations are changing because of the backchannel.

He tells stories about presentations by Chris Brogan, Olivia Mitchell, Jared Spool, Sacha Chua, Sarah Lacy, Pam Slim, and many others. He uses these stories to illustrate what’s happening in the backchannel and how various people have handled the changes. You may have even been in attendance at some of the presentations he talks about. If not, you may have followed stories about them on Twitter or in blogs. If you go to presentations of any kind, you’ve probably seen the backchannel in action or been a particpant in the backchannel.

Atkinson defines the backchannel.

A backchannel is a line of communication created by people in an audience to connect with others inside or outside the room, with or without the knowledge of the speaker at the front of the room.

The backchannel can either enhance the exchange with the audience or become—at the least—a distraction, or—at its worst—an explosion of negativity. This book is all about how to make the backchannel a productive enhancement that will connect presenters with audiences in long-lasting forms of communication extending far beyond the limits of an hour’s presentation.

The book describes how audiences are changing.

  • Audiences don’t need to get information from presenters on a stage. They can find the information for themselves elsewhere.
  • Audiences have higher expectations. They want information they won’t get elsewhere.
  • Audiences want more participation.
  • Audiences either leave or publicly complain if a presentation if it isn’t what they wanted or expected.

The key chapter in the book is “Preparing for the Backchannel.” Atkinson gives concrete ideas for learning the new presenting skills needed, planning the presentation to be backchannel ready, and managing the backchannel before, during and after the presentation. Another important chapter is “Making Your Ideas Twitter-Friendly,” This chapter tells how to boil your message down to four essential, Twitter-sized points, how to present and expand those four points, while working with the backchannel. Other chapters talk about taking Twitter breaks during a presentation and dealing with an unruly backchannel.

In the conclusion, Atkinson says,

For a very long time, the world has centered on presenters. But now, the world is re-centering around audience members. Putting someone on a pedestal—or a lectern—has always come at a cost, because to make someone higher is to make someone lesser.

The backchannel dismantles the pedestal, and gives everyone equal access to the same information. As the power balance is leveled, the skill set of presenters fundamentally changes, and shifts more toward gifts of navigation, facilitation, and inspiration.

Summary: Presenters everywhere need to read this book.

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