Great ideas from all sorts of people on design.
See Also: 10 Quotes All Graphic Designers Should Know By Heart
Tips, web design book reviews, resources and observations for teaching and learning web development.
Great ideas from all sorts of people on design.
See Also: 10 Quotes All Graphic Designers Should Know By Heart
Responsive Webfont Icons at Web Standards Sherpa gives you all the details on making your icons responsive.
How Will Google Hummingbird Impact Links? Here Are 6 Ways is at Search Engine Land.
A Map of the Gender Gap in Science Around the Globe. There’s no data from the U.S. on this map, which is a problem, but it’s interesting.
. . . is an app to give site owners a readout on their carbon footprint.
Did you read James Christie’s post Sustainable Web Design at A List Apart yesterday? Go, read it.
Everything Christie had to say speaks to my environmentalist heart. We tech lovers, we web designers, we gadget freaks – we are adding to the planet’s carbon footprint.
We can do something about it. Christie lists ways to lighten your site’s load on the environment. And that’s good. But it’s complicated for people to get a reading on their particular site – where it is now, and the measurable difference changes could make.
If there was an app that would give you a readout on a site it would be so useful. You could figure out how you’re doing and track the progress you made toward goals to reduce your site’s carbon footprint.
Somebody build this app. Please.
James Christie responded to my tweet about this post with a link. Check it out.
@vdebolt not exactly what you are describing, but close: I'd love to do an app/browser plugin for co2 tho
— James Christie (@JC_UX) September 25, 2013
Responsive elements is a breakthrough idea. Check it out.
You must listen to this interview with Jeffrey Zeldman: Why Designers Need to Craft Words, Not Pixels.
Here’s a wonderful resource for teachers: Web History, a timeline. Thanks to John Allsopp from Web Directions for compiling this and hosting it.
What Women Don’t Want is from Ladybits. Spoiler alert – women don’t want TitStare.
7 Habits of Highly Effective Media Queries is an excellent recap of the UX Summit closing session.
Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Anymore is from Speckyboy.
Using Twitter Effectively in Education is a talk from Alec Couros.
The Internet has undoubtedly changed our world and has become a solid source for research, instant information, and a virtually endless stream of new ideas and thoughts. However, while most people have a basic understanding of how to use the Web as a search tool and to perform basic tasks and many can set up basic websites or blogs, the people who create the means for getting the information to you, provide the graphics, define the search engine protocols, and all the other activities that go on beyond the screen are not as numerous as many may think.
Thus anyone looking for Internet career opportunities that go beyond basic web knowledge has many options available to them. There are a variety of opportunities people can pursue, skills they can learn, and ideas they can explore to become more involved in making today’s Internet even more dynamic.
1. Past Accomplishments—Don’t reinvent the wheel: There are a lot of good ideas for using the web. Some have been implemented, some have not. Take time to learn about trusting instincts, determining what needs to be on the web, and what impact the wealth of information on the web will have on the education process.
2. Graphic Design—Remember a picture can equal a thousand words: The old adage about pictures being worth a thousand words has been somewhat misleading. A picture or a good graphic can convey a considerable amount of information. However, both elements are required in a good design.
3. Design Courses—Teach yourself or earn a degree: Like most professions there are differing opinions over whether a person who is self-taught can provide the same quality of work as those designers who have degrees. Regardless of which view you share, there are a number of free or low-investment graphic design courses online that can enhance design skills. By taking these courses you can bolster up your professional portfolio, whether you’ve obtained a degree or not.
4. Typography—The real foundation: Despite any advanced techniques you may learn, please do not overlook learning the basics. Decisions about typography can make or destroy any design, no matter how good or bad it may be. A free course on typography that was developed by MIT is available on About.Com.
5. Designing Logos—Making it great: An inexpensive course is a great investment. With this course you can explore logo artwork that will help you create unique logos for clients and brand images.
6. Photoshop Basics—Learning the secrets: Photoshop is an outstanding program with countless features, however you don’t need all of them. As a part of the PSD Tuts Plus “Sessions” Series, this course will help you improve your designer skills.
7. Talking Type—Logos influence emotion: A $20 course by Skillshare will explore the role that typography plays in designing logos. The course helps to explain how the designer can learn to select the best logo typography for a particular project.
8. Design School—A MFA alternate: The curriculum of the Graphic Design School covers most aspects of graphic and web design. The fees are higher than the other non-degree options—about $2,000. However, such a fee would be less than the cost of earning a Master’s of Fine Arts Degree.
9. Other Options—Picking and choosing: There are other options that are available that may provide the additional training you need to make your current skills more marketable and make you a better designer. It is important to check out these courses and make certain they will provide training that will be useful to you.
10. Other Courses—Quick overview: There are numerous other courses that can help any person improve their design skills, from basics to mastering such programs as Illustrator and Dreamweaver. The important thing to remember is that you have to find the courses. They are on the Internet, but it is up to you to find and select the courses that will best serve your needs as you move from being just another graphics designer, who does a little design work along with his other work, to a master designer, who creates the concepts that other people will remember.
In other words, you have to design the path you want to take to be a top designer.
Guest Author Ken Myers is a father, husband, and entrepreneur. He has combined his passion for helping families find in-home care with his experience to build a business. Learn more about him by visiting @KenneyMyers on Twitter.
Is Web Design Education Under Appreciated and Dying on the Vine? An important discussion started by Bill Cullifer at
Improved support for high-resolution displays with the srcset image attribute explains Webkits support for srcset.
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