Useful links: heading markup, CSS Zen Garden, Adobe again, flexbox

How to mark up subheadings, subtitles, alternative titles and taglines now that hgroup is officially out of the spec.

CSS Zen Garden is 10 years old. Dave Shea has announced a revival. Designers take note.

Here’s what Zeldman says about the changes at Adobe: Adobe Love. It certainly isn’t what I was expecting to read on his site.

How to use the Flexbox layout method (part 1) at Web Designer Depot is worth viewing. Note that the order of the properties they use should put the actual property last after the vendor prefixes are listed. Like this:

display: -webkit-flex;
display: -moz-flex;
display: flex;


Useful Links: Style Tiles, Posing, Video Slides

In a comment yesterday, Terry Morris mentioned Style Tiles. I was so impressed with this website that I wanted to add it here as a useful link, mostly so I wouldn’t lose track of it and because it is worth sharing. Thanks, Terry.

Stand up straight! Put your shoulders back! Yeah, I hear my mom, too. Whitney Hess reports that How We Pose Shapes How We Feel. She says, “It turns out that the way we sit and stand, the poses and postures we position ourselves in, have an enormous biological and emotional impact on us.” Or as Sheryl Sandberg might say, sit at the table and lean in.

This is a new idea. Video Slides that can create a presentation from a series of videos.

Useful links: Producing content, Mozilla Webmaker, Accessibility and Responsive,

How to be the King or Queen of Your Own Online Content has tips to help you find ways to keep posting good content over the long haul.

Mozilla Webmaker is offering a free online course in digital literacy.

Several experts from UX Matters take on the question of how accessibility and responsive design do (or don’t) work together.

Useful Links: Gender equity, flippa a site, Vine

The brilliant Lauren Bacon wrote a list of fantastic resources to explain What Men (and Everyone, Really) Can Do To Support Gender Equity in Tech. This includes help for conference organizers, employers, managers, team leaders, investors and just about anyone. I support what Sheryl Sandberg said to women in Lean In, but it has to be a systemic effort for things to change.

Want to buy or sell a web site? Look at I learned about this site from my buddy in New Zealand, Miraz Jordan, who is selling her awesome site Mac Tips. So much good content on Mac Tips, and now someone can buy the whole site.

Vine Is the Show, and Vine Records the Show. I wrote about Vine yesterday on BlogHer and explained how disruptive I think this new six-second video app that works through Twitter has been in just 4 months. What are your thoughts on Vine?

Useful Links: TED Talks, Embed video sections, XAMPP, JQuery2.0

Spydergrrl earns a hat tip and a +1 for sharing Finding Our Tribe: 75 TED Talks Featuring Geek Girls. Her post will lead you to the TED Talks blog, where you can find the list of More than 75 TED Talks showing women in science and tech.

How to embed just a portion of a You Tube video? from Digital Inspiration tells you how to specify a start and stop point for embedded video.

What is XAMPP? is the explanation you’ve been looking for.

A new version of JQuery (JQuery 2.0) is now available that supports only IE10. Older versions of JQuery still support older versions of IE.

Useful links: Tables, Grid layout, Underlines

Accessible Data Tables has some updated info about tables at .net magazine.

CSS Grid Layout: What Has Changed? is from Rachel Andrew. These are changes since her post on the topic at 24 Ways and based on the latest W3C working draft.

Keep the Underline says Dennis Lembree and talks about when an underline is a UX necessity.


Blink is the big announcement of interest of the week for web designers. Blink is the rendering engine used by Chromium. It isn’t clear what the implications of Blink will be, but you need to be aware that it’s happening.