ICT for Teacher Training Portal. The Information and Communication Technology Portal (ICT) for Teacher Training is the gateway to Internet resources and websites dedicated to training teachers in utilizing information and communication technologies to enhance their teaching skills.
Category: UsefulLinks
W3C tutorial on XHTML modules
IE 6 and CSS compliance
HTML Tip: New Headaches with IE 6 on NetMechanic site explains how Internet Explorer 6 interprets your style sheets.
Web Page Design for Designers
Joe Gillespie’s site on design topics, tutorials, tools, and the Web in general. He has some nice pixel fonts, too. Updated monthly. wpdfd.com.
Research report on best practices
User Interface Engineering — UIE Reports: Getting Them to What They Want. “In its report, “Getting Them to What They Want,” UIE says it drew on six years of research and hundreds of hours of user observations to discern the eight best practices for getting users to the content they seek,” according to PCWorld’s article on the report.
A Teacher’s Tips
One teacher’s guide to teaching is at Teaching Web Development > Introducing Hyperlinks and HTML.
Web Ed
WebED strives to inform educators and students about the latest tools used to design and deliver courses on the web and to allow educators to “test drive” educational web tools.