Useful Links: Hate your CMS? Student Reps, Mobile Guidelines

I am so angry at computer

The Real Reason People Hate Their CMS brings up a lot of points worth pondering.

Adobe spreads the love on campus. If students are willing to become Adobe student reps they can get free Creative Cloud memberships.

The BBC Mobile Accessibility Standards and Guidelines (pdf) are available in draft form. Listen to this very interesting interview with Henny Swan, BBC accessibility specialist, about how the guidelines were created.

Useful links: gut instincts, information hierarchy, education costs

Trusting your gut instincts is an interview at .net with Steph Troeth. Learn something about this important leader and find out what a user experience strategist is.

A Hierarchy of Information Needs is from Content Strategy >n00b< and is a worthy read.

TechCrunch weighs in on Why Obama’s Radical Education Plan Could Finally Disrupt College. They make some interesting points, but the article is in the realm of speculation, not fact. What did you think of his education speech the other day?

Useful links: web education, srcset, design errors

Is Web Design Education Under Appreciated and Dying on the Vine? An important discussion started by Bill Cullifer at

Improved support for high-resolution displays with the srcset image attribute explains Webkits support for srcset.

5 Signs You’re Falling Short in You Web Redesign Project. What to lookout for.

Useful links: new iPhones coming, letterforms, privacy in email

The new iPhone release is set for September 10. Related to that, I recently got a PR pitch from Since I no longer work for BlogHer – the people pitching are hoping for exposure on BlogHer –  I normally delete most PR pitches without even opening the email. This one caught my eye because it had iPhone in the subject line. The email talked about selling your old iPhone on, and said, “iPhone sellers can earn an extra $72 by taking action before Sept. 10.” I want to quote some info supposedly based on research by uSell.

To measure the effect of a new iPhone model on the used iPhone market, examined hundreds of used iPhone sales on its platform following the 2012 iPhone 5 launch.  Notable findings include:

*  1 week after a new iPhone launch, old iPhones lose about 5% in value.
*  2 weeks after launch, old iPhones depreciate about 12%.
*  By weeks 3 and 4, old phones are worth about 20% less.

But by locking in a sale price BEFORE an upcoming iPhone launch (many platforms like offer 30-day price guarantees), consumers can substantially increase the value of their old phones:

*  iPhone 5:  Potentially worth $72 more (compared to 3 weeks after launch)
*  iPhone 4S:  Worth $46 more
*  iPhone 4:  Worth $29 more


I upgraded my phone not too long ago at AT&T and received $118 in credit for my old iPhone 4. I’m not sure uSell can beat a price like that, but I thought you might be interested in checking it out if you plan to upgrade immediately on Sept. 10.

Must reading is this beautiful post by Dan Mall about letterforms.

No, Google did not say that there is no privacy in Gmail. TheNextWeb looks at the statement from yesterday in context.

Useful links: Zoom, Open Glass, Fluid Grids, MOOC Credits

Browser zoom great for accessibility is from AlastairC and talks about the accessibility difference in normal browser zoom and text only zoom. This is really interesting and can affect your results when zooming to 200% to test your WCAG compliance.

Open Glass Project Demos how Useful Glass Can be if You’re Visually Impaired. Fascinating and creative project.

Tom Green has a series of tutorials fluid grids on Dreamweaver 6 at WebDesign Tuts+, including the first in the series: Fluid Grids. He has downloadable files. And his video doesn’t blur out frequently the way the one I showed you from Adobe/ did the other day. Thanks, Tom, for letting me know about these terrific tutorials.

A Universities offer of credit for a MOOC gets no takers. The article has ideas about why.

Useful links: BlogHer, Flexbox, Promote Yourself

BlogHer has an new, clean makeover to brag about. Their aim is to make it easy to find your way to great content by women bloggers on the original bloggers site. An impressive goal.

Does Flexbox Have a Performance Problem? CSS Tricks is trying to figure it out. You can help.

8 Tips for Promoting Your Dev Skills. There are some you may not have thought of.

Useful links: Wearable tech, placeholder text, CSS Zen Garden

Continuum screen shot
Image from Syfy

Motorola building a ‘world-class’ wearables design group says The Verge. I hope Motorola will make me one of those high tech suits like Rachel Nichols wears in Continuum. That suit makes the stuff we thought was cool in The Matrix look antique.

Using placeholder text in HTML5 forms across all browsers comes from TechRepublic.

CSS Zen Garden is back at the same old URL with a responsive design and a whole new set of design challenges and opportunities for web designers from all over the world.