The new iPhone release is set for September 10. Related to that, I recently got a PR pitch from Since I no longer work for BlogHer – the people pitching are hoping for exposure on BlogHer – I normally delete most PR pitches without even opening the email. This one caught my eye because it had iPhone in the subject line. The email talked about selling your old iPhone on, and said, “iPhone sellers can earn an extra $72 by taking action before Sept. 10.” I want to quote some info supposedly based on research by uSell.
To measure the effect of a new iPhone model on the used iPhone market, examined hundreds of used iPhone sales on its platform following the 2012 iPhone 5 launch. Notable findings include:
* 1 week after a new iPhone launch, old iPhones lose about 5% in value.
* 2 weeks after launch, old iPhones depreciate about 12%.
* By weeks 3 and 4, old phones are worth about 20% less.
But by locking in a sale price BEFORE an upcoming iPhone launch (many platforms like offer 30-day price guarantees), consumers can substantially increase the value of their old phones:
* iPhone 5: Potentially worth $72 more (compared to 3 weeks after launch)
* iPhone 4S: Worth $46 more
* iPhone 4: Worth $29 more
I upgraded my phone not too long ago at AT&T and received $118 in credit for my old iPhone 4. I’m not sure uSell can beat a price like that, but I thought you might be interested in checking it out if you plan to upgrade immediately on Sept. 10.
Must reading is this beautiful post by Dan Mall about letterforms.
No, Google did not say that there is no privacy in Gmail. TheNextWeb looks at the statement from yesterday in context.