Useful links: Polyfilitis, Erections, Privacy

Stop solving problems you don’t have is about not starting an HTML5 project with all sorts of polyfils built into your basic template that may never be needed or used. I’m calling it Polyfilitis.

Dear Technology World – Please Stop Trying to Give Me an Erection is by Terence Eden. Terence Eden is my new favorite person. Three cheers to Terence Eden!

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the FTC’s New Approach to Privacy is at the Atlantic and is something everyone should read. Here’s a quote:

. . . it’s important to understand how what she’s saying is different from other privacy theorists. The standard explanation for privacy freakouts is that people get upset because they’ve “lost control” of data about themselves or there is simply too much data available. Nissenbaum argues that the real problem “is the inapproproriateness of the flow of information due to the mediation of technology.” In her scheme, there are senders and receivers of messages, who communicate different types of information with very specific expectations of how it will be used. Privacy violations occur not when too much data accumulates or people can’t direct it, but when one of the receivers or transmission principles change. The key academic term is “context-relative informational norms.” Bust a norm and people get upset.

The Smartphone Password Protection Quandry

I was reading Most Don’t Password Protect Their Smartphones – Here’s Why You Should at ReadWriteWeb. Sure, protect your privacy, ensure you security. I, however, have a point of view on the password entry to smartphones that is more nuanced.

When you’re trotting around the globe in your 20s and 30s with you mobile phone in hand, you can ignore the fact that you are a mortal being. At my age, not so much. So I selectively protect my phone, depending on where I am.

It only takes a moment to turn on password protection, or to turn it off.

I turn it on when I’m in situations where there are lots of people and I might lose it or mislay it or even have it stolen.

I turn it off when I’m driving somewhere alone, or when I’m out walking alone. If something happens to me while I’m away from home alone, I want my emergency numbers and my contact list to be accessible on my phone. I’m trading one kind of security for another kind of security.

Useful links: two from danah, WordPress + InDesign, Pride

Two new posts from danah boyd are worth reading. “Teen Sexting and Its Impact on the Tech Industry” (my RWW talk) and “Networked Privacy” (my PDF talk).

The Bangor Daily News is now running on WordPress with integrated InDesign. Interesting. Wonder if they’ve written up how they are doing it – I’ll bet a lot of people would be interested.

Google LGBT-Related Searches are Rainbow-Colored for Pride Month. A hugely successful and profitable American company supports LGBT human beings? And the world hasn’t come to an end? Oh, am I letting my liberal show?

Useful Links: DIY Mobile, 5 questions, do not track, fan pages

DIY Mobile Programming: Get Started with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Good resource.

Five Questions with Zoe Gillenwater.  An interview by Chris Coyier. It is impossible to say enough good things about Zoe Gillenwater. Awesome is a good place to start.

Google and Mozilla Take Steps Toward Do Not Track is a post of my own at BlogHer. I conclude that talk from the browser makers about Do Not Track is mostly smoke and mirrors. What do you think?

Compelling Facebook Fan Pages from Chris Brogan lists shows pages I never heard of and don’t find particularly compelling. But if you’re trying to accomplish something with a Facebook page, go check it out.

Useful Links: Difficult Fonts, Hardboiled, Firesheep

Making things hard to read ‘can boost learning’ at BBC News says that reading something in a “harder” font can boost retention of the information. The easy font they tested was Arial at pure black. The hard fonts tested were Comic Sans and Bodoni, both at 75% grayscale. Does that mean that if I can decipher something in your scratchy handwriting, I’ll remember it forever?

Hardboiled Web Design is a new book by Andy Clarke. I haven’t seen the book yet, but I have to say that the book website is creative and beautifully designed. Bodes well for the book, don’t you think?

Firesheep. A new Firefox extension that is about to set off a firestorm. Read Firesheep In Wolves’ Clothing: Extension Lets You Hack Into Twitter, Facebook Accounts Easily and How to Protect Your Login Information from Firesheep immediately. Both are at TechCrunch.

Useful Links: YouTube edu, Mac news, Privacy

100 Incredibly Useful YouTube Channels for Teachers may give you some helpful resources.

Apple’s “Back to the Mac” Event: All the Announcements at Mashable is a nice summary of recent announcements. No more CD slot – time to flip a switch in your brain to flash drive for everything.

Tracking the Companies that Track You Online is a podcast from NPR’s Fresh Air. It’s an interview with Julia Angwin of The Wall Street Journal that looks at how tracking companies, data brokers and advertising networks work.

Is there a gender issue with Facebook Places?

Facebook Places

I’ll do anything for BlogHer. Even try out Facebook Places. I resisted Foursquare and Gowalla and other similar services. But when BlogHer asked me to report on Facebook Places, I couldn’t say no.

First, I’ll explain how to use it. Then I’ll describe how reactions to it have split along gender lines. Finally, I’ll tell you how to deal with privacy settings for this new Facebook service.

Read the full article at BlogHer.