Useful Links: Game Ratings, Naming Conventions, JQuery tutorial

Entertainment Software Ratings Board provides a database of games that can be searched by rating. These are ratings for age-appropriateness and content, rather like movie ratings. If you are buying games for kids this year, it’s a handy resource.

More on developing naming conventions, Microformats and HTML5 Andy Clarke talks about naming conventions in an outside-the-box look at a mashup of microformats and HTML5.

jQuery Tutorial: DOM Manipulation and sorting JQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that helps you quickly develop events, animations, and AJAX interactions.

Findability: Is your blog as findable as possible?

Everyone has heard of search engine optimization, right? But have you heard of findability? I hadn’t, until recently.

The term “findability” seems to originate with Peter Morville, who published a book called Ambient Findability in 2002. Blogger DonnaM wrote about it in 2004 in Usability testing for findability. Jakob Neilsen wrote about it in 2006 in Use Old Words When Writing for Findability. In 2008, I happened to read Building Findable Websites: Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond by Aarron Walter and I got very excited about how simple changes to my blog might make it more successful.

In fact, when I wrote Review: Building Findable Websites on my blog, I said,

Building Findable Websites: Web Standards, SEO, and Beyond by Aarron Walter (New Riders, 2008) is one of those rare books that is so full of good ideas, it makes me enthusiastic about what I can do when I put the book down and go work on my blog or website.

As Walter defines it, findability includes accessibility, usability, information architecture, development, marketing, copywriting, design, and, oh yeah, search engine optimization. Walter continues to try to popularize the concepts, and recently published Findability, Orphan of the Web Design Industry at A List Apart. He starts right off with the orphan metaphor and works it all the way through:

Once upon a time in a web design agency, there lived a sad little boy named Findability. He was a very good boy with a big heart for helping people…

* find the websites they seek,
* find content within websites, and
* rediscover valuable content they’d found.

He used his arsenal of talent for planning, writing, coding, and analysis to create websites that could connect with a target audience.

A bit later in the article he sums up findability as,

The fundamental goal of findability is to persistently connect your audience with the stuff you write, design, and build. When you create relevant and valuable content, present it in a machine readable format, and provide tools that facilitate content exchange and portability, you’ll help ensure that the folks you’re trying to reach get your message.

What are some of specific techniques for findability discussed in the book? The book talks about markup strategies, which include web standards, accessbility, and microformats.

In terms of web standards, that means to separate stucture (the (X)HTML) from presentation (the CSS) from behavior (the JavaScript) to create sites that are accessible both humans and machines. Use modern code that follows the rules and check how you’re doing with a validator. Use alt attributes with images, encode characters, use tags that communicate semantically by making page hierarchy clear. There are a number of other markup tips such as which tags are essential and whether or not to use meta tags. Regarding images, get rid of image maps, and if you replace headings with snappy looking images make sure you do it accessibly. Microformats include hCalendar, hCard, hReview, hResume and others. These are nothing more than standardized ways to present certain information with HTML and CSS that the search engines (and a lot of other apps) recognize. I’ve been using hReview on Web Teacher for some time now. I can verify that reviews I write this way make the search engines very happy.

In terms of server-side strategies, the book talks about building file structure, 404 pages, URLS, and server optimization for speed. It discusses naming everything from the domain name to files, folders, and URLs. There’s advice for moving pages or whole domains and how to use redirects and custom file-not-found pages to keep them findable in the new location.

Creating content that drives traffic is another important aspect of findability. Walter says quality content is on topic, fills a niche, conveys passionate interest, is trustworthy, appealing, original and appropriate. There are also many types of content beyond the blog post. You could consider other types of publications such as white papers or articles, links, reviews, recommendations, syndication, and user generated content in comments and forums as part of your content. You can also add RSS feeds from other sources such as, Flickr, job sites, events and other worthy feeds to your content.

Of course, most of us here are concerned with blog findability. The strategies include regular posting, linking and trackbacks, original templates, post titles, archives, topics, and special sections on the blog for things like popular posts and recent posts.

Be sure your site has a search feature. If you use Ajax, Flash, audio and video be sure you are not locking out some of your potential readers. If you have a normal web site and not a blog, try to build a mailing list so that you can contact readers and lure them back to the site regularly.

Merely summarizing the high points here created quite an imposing list of things to do. Fortunately, Walter thought through which actions are the most important and beneficial for you. The final chapter in the book tells you how to prioritize the changes you may need to make and helps you tackle them starting with the most useful first.

I happen to know Aarron Walter. We work together on a curriculum project for the Web Standards Project. I contacted him about this article and asked him to identify the two most important things a blogger could do to improve findability. Here’s his response:

1. Customize your permalink structure to include keywords in your URLs. Many blog platforms make it easy to define the structure of each blog post URL. Ideally you want each URL to contain the same keywords as those in your post title.

2. Define your update services. When you publish on your blog, it automatically notifies (called a ping) many tracking services instantly so your content gets indexed by search engines and various other services. Be sure to define which update services your blog should notify. WordPress keeps a comprehensive list of the top updates services at

Helpful resources for making your blog more findable:
Aarron Walter’s site: free download of Findability Strategy Checklist
Findability Checklist
– A Blog Not Limited: Getting Semantic With Microformats, Part 1 the first of a series on microformats by Emily Lewis
– SEO Blog: 10 Coding Guidelines for Perfect Findability and Web Standards
– SEO Blog: The 10 Worst Findability Crimes Committed by Web Designers & Developers
– BlogHer: Melanie Nelson’s Basic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tactics

Cross posted at BlogHer.

Related post: Review: Building Findable Websites

Useful Links: Photo Rights, Internet Lexicon, hCard, CollegeDegree

Understanding Online Photo Rights This article is excellent. A must-read for students.

The Internet Lexicon appeared in honor of OneWebDay and will stay editable for 2 months. Before you try adding a spoof of your favorite Internet personality, read the rules for participation.

Getting Semantic with Microformats, Part 3: hCard A Blog Not Limited is writing the book on microformats. Part 3 contains links to the first two parts, and a promise of what’s to come. Everything you could ever want to know about hCard in this one. is a valuable reference site. The site specializes in collections of linked resources such as this article: 100 Extensive University Libraries from Around the World that Anyone Can Access

Useful links

Microformats University – 100+ Articles and Resources is a helpful collection of microformats information.

Semantic Web Patterns: A Guide to Semantic Technologies at Read/Write Web: “The Semantic Web means many things to different people, because there are a lot of pieces to it. To some, the Semantic Web is the web of data, where information is represented in RDF and OWL. Some people replace RDF with Microformats. Others think that the Semantic Web is about web services, while for many it is about artificial intelligence.”

Webkit achieves Acid 3 100/100 in public build from Surfin’ Safari. It is humanly possible, people!

Summary of eHow articles for February

Warholized What's down there?

It was cats and kids month in my personal life. In my writing life, here’s what I did at eHow in February. (The CSS attribute selector article appeared here first, in an easier to use format.)

How much modification can an hReview take and still be an hReview?

A comment yesterday made me reevaluate my abandonment of the microformat hReview. What I’m wondering is how customized can I make a review and still end up with something recognizable as the microformat. Or does it eventually become just random HTML?

As I mentioned in a post on Oct. 10, I like the idea of microformats. I think standardized patterns for information display and retrieval are a good idea. And I like the placement my reviews get in search engines.

If you go to the hReview code generator at and fill in the form, you end up with something like this. I’ve used all caps to indicate the place where the user actually enters her own information. (I’m not yelling at you.)

<div class="hreview" id="hreview-summary">
<h2 class="summary">SUMMARY</h2>
<abbr class="dtreviewed" title="20071012T0839-0600">Oct 12, 2007</abbr> by
<span class="reviewer vcard">
<span class="fn">WEB TEACHER</span>
<span class="type" style="display:none">product</span>
<img alt="photo of 'PRODUCT NAME'" src="PRODUCT PHOTO URL" class="photo" />
<div class="item">
<a class="fn url" href="PRODUCT URL">PRODUCT NAME</a>
<blockquote class="description">
<abbr title="5" class="rating">&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;&#x2605;</abbr> WRITE REVIEW
HERE </p>
<span class="version" style="display:none">0.3</span>
<p style="font-size:smaller;">This
<a href="">hReview</a> brought to you by the
<a href="">hReview Creator</a>.

I’m posting this in a dated blog entry, so I don’t need a date. It’s my blog, I don’t think the reviewer vcard is needed to identify the reviewer. I’m willing to keep the summary just in case it gets picked up somehow as the only thing displayed, but as an h2 it becomes more important than the blog post title, so it has to be changed to a p. The review description should not be a blockquote. I can accept it as a div or a p. I’m ambivalent about the rating. I usually say whether or not I dislike, approve of, or wholeheartedly recommend the book as part of the review, so I don’t think I need the rating. As for the version of the hReview used, who cares? And there doesn’t need to be a link to the hReview creator at the end of every review.

If I make all those customizations, here’s what I get.

<div class="hreview" id="hreview-summary">
<p class="summary">SUMMARY</p>
<span class="type" style="display:none">product</span>
<img alt="photo of 'PRODUCT NAME'" src="PRODUCT PHOTO URL" class="photo" />
<div class="item">
<a class="fn url" href="PRODUCT URL">PRODUCT NAME</a>
<div class="description">

I’m going to assume that as long as I retain class="hreview" in the review, I’ll be recognized as an hReview. We’ll see what happens when I use it the next time I write a book review.

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Why I’m abandoning hReview for book reviews

I’ve been using hReview, the microformat, to write book reviews for several months now. I like the idea of a standard format that is recognizable to everyone looking for reviews. And I see good results with my reviews in search engines.

But I have issues. For one thing, I don’t like the star character entity that is used in the rating system. In most browsers, you can easily see how many stars a product gets. But in Safari, the stars are rendered in a very confusing way. I contacted about this but didn’t receive a reply and nothing changed.

I also don’t like the fact that the entire content of the review is set into a blockquote. I’m not quoting anyone, I’m writing a review. It gives me the semantic heebie jeebies to put my review in a blockquote. I’m sure the good people at had a reason for doing it this way, but it doesn’t work for me.

There’s a new review posted today, done the old fashioned way as a regular post. I’ll reevaluate the results for a while and see if I want to abandon hReview forever.

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