An Open Letter to Mark Shuttleworth at Geek Feminism Blog points the spotlight at another incident in this year’s round of dismissive-to-women conference remarks.
The topic for Blog Action Day this year is Climate Change. Hope all you bloggers out there will participate.
.eduGuru reviews Lawrence Lessig’s Free Culture and says,
This is not a book about education or law, this is a book designed to educate. Because of our proximity to such issues, I think it is critical that we all educate ourselves on the changes that are taking place, and the impact it is going to have on us as we move forward and try to support schools, professors, and students in their pursuit of an open learning environment.
10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines at Smashing Magazine has some excellent guidelines. This would make a good reading assignment for web design students.
The HTML5 DOM and RDFa talks about a known problem, in a clear and interesting way.