Useful Links: Project Management, kid’s apps, students and IT

Manymoon vs. Basecamp. The Throwdown! at Social Media Marketing Management compares the features of Manymoon, Basecamp and TeamworkPM.

If you’re looking for educational apps for kids from K to middle school, check out Mind Leap. They recommend apps they consider educational and engaging.

Study of Undergrad Students and IT. A report from EduCause that includes an interesting infographic.

Review: Designing for Emotion


Designing for Emotion, written by Aarron Walter, is another of the brief but valuable books from A Book Apart. If you’ve read other books from A Book Apart you know they are high quality work from knowledgeable writers. This one is no exception.

With only 7 chapters and less than 100 pages to tell his tale, writer Aarron Walter gets right to it in a hurry. He explains what emotional design is and how it uses personality, humor, and positive experiences to meet human needs on web sites. Walter infuses the book with personality, humor and positive experiences, too, making it a delight to read. For example,

There’s a very practical reason that emotion and memory are so closely coupled—it keeps us alive. We would be doomed to repeat negative experiences and wouldn’t be able to consciously repeat positive experiences if we had no memory of them. Imagine eating a delicious four-pound log of bacon and not having the sense to eat another the following day. That’s a life not worth living, my friend.

That wasn’t the only remark in the book that made me smile. Walter does practice what he preaches.

He gives examples for each point he makes, giving the reader some real world examples to examine. In the chapter explaining what emotion design is, he points to Wufoo and Betabrand.

In the chapter on designing for humans, he talks about psychological principles that guide the emotional language and imagery web designers might employ. For example, “baby-face-bias”. Baby-face-bias triggers positive emotions with characters with large eyes, small nose and a pronounced forehead. It’s behind the successful imagery used by Brizzly, Twitter, StickyBits, and Walter’s own work at MailChimp. This chapter also talks about the use of contrast and aesthetics.

There’s a chapter on personality. Creating a website with personality gives users a sense of human-to-human interaction. He talks about personas and provides a detailed downloadable worksheet to help you create a design persona for your website. Online examples include Carbonmade and Housing Works.

In the chapter on emotional engagement, Walter talks about surprise, delight, anticipation, and priming. Examples in this chapter include Photojojo and the New Twitter. He discusses the idea of variable rewards from sites like Groupon, but I think the uncertainty of what will come next from the new app Siri on the iPhone 4S—which came out after this book was written—is a terrific example of baked in emotional engagement, surprise, delight and anticipation.

The next chapter is overcoming obstacles. This chapter deals with convincing users to click, sign up, complete the process and keep coming back. He discusses game theory, bribery and a sense of achievement. Mint and Dropbox are the examples described.

In the chapter called Forgiveness, Walter talks about what to do when you screw up, and how to help people overlook your shortcomings. Flickr is the example he uses in this chapter.

The final chapter is about risks and rewards. It talks about the risks of getting started with emotional design, and the rewards. CoffeeCup Software is cited as an example of how to start small with a limited time idea to see if it works. He describes the risk of starting a new site with emotional design in mind from the beginning. Designers can alienate users instead of making them feel good about a site with emotional design. Walter discusses some of those risks. He borrows the phrase progressive enhancement for those who want to work some personality into existing websites. The online example cites Blue Sky Resumes.

Finally, there is a list of resources for those who want to dig into the concepts from this book in more detail. The resources are genrally books about design principles, science, psychology, behavior, the human brain and user experience, but there are some online resources, too.

Summary: Brief but packed with useful concepts and concrete examples.

A review by Virginia DeBolt of Designing for Emotion (rating: 5 stars)

Themeefy looks great for instructors

Themeefy looks great for instructors (and students who have to do a presentation). Read more about it at Digital Inspiration, where you can look at Amit’s sample about Steve Jobs.

Here’s an example from the Themeefy site. It’s free. Sign up with a Twitter or Facebook login.

Useful Links: HTML5 magnets, HTML5 headings, ed tech, women in tech, Ginger, Stripe

Cameron Moll made a set of whiteboard magnets of HTML5 tags for his own family. He’s released the Illustrator file for you to do the same. Great idea for people teaching HTML5. HTML5 Whiteboard Magnets.

JAWS, IE and Headings in HTML5. Must reading for accessibility information about how JAWS interprets heading structure, particularly in IE.

Applying the 7 Golden Rules: One Teachers Take on Technology. At Mind/Shift.

If you’re a Google+ user, you might be interested in the public circle of the women who made Google + that Marshall Kirkpatrick created on Ada Lovelace Day.

If you have any interest in HTML5 video, you should be reading Ginger’s Thoughts.

If you are selling something on your web site, you might take a look at Stripe, which promises ease of use in collecting payments.

Useful links: Airline sites, media queries, border style, scoped, YouTube

Proposed Regulations Address Airline Websites and Kiosks. There’s a long wait time before any proposed regs would take effect, but eventually they would be required to be accessible.

Quick Tips: A Crash Course in CSS Media Queries at net tuts.

How Do Browsers Render the Different CSS Border Style Values? Good screen shots and demo code from Louis Lazaris.

On the (abominable) proposed HTML5 “scoped” attribute for style elements. John Allsopp tells it like it is.

YouTube launches new site for teachers. Will this help you?

Useful links: Tech in ed, microformats on Facebook, App resource

The 7 Golden Rules of Using Technology in Schools. Don’t know how I missed this back in July, but I just found it.

Facebook Quietly Adds Microformats to “Download Your Info” Feature. A little slow of the uptake, wasn’t it?

For those of you in the business of making apps, a site you may learn a lot from is Moms with Apps. They concentrate on branding, marketing, and practical matters such as getting an app ready to put in the App Store.

Useful links: Layouts, social media in college, real names

Another good article from .net. This one is The Future of CSS Layouts. This one isn’t quite so enthusiastic about @media queries as some of the articles you may have been reading lately.

100% of colleges and universities are using social media at eduGuru.

danah boyd, who often makes more sense than anyone else, speaks out on “real name” policies in “Real Name” Policies are an Abuse of Power.