WebWizard Series from this educational publisher includes books for teaching HTML, multimedia, Web design, XML, JavaScript, freeware and shareware, and Dreamweaver.
Category: web-education
Web design for the K-12 market
Developing for the K-12 Audience: evolt.org, Site Development looks at school infrastructure and legalities involved in creating Web sites to be used in the K-12 world.
Online Classes
SmartPlanet is a service of CNET and offers online classes for developers, designers and business people. You can try a sample or free trial to see if you like the classes. Barnes and Noble offers online classes in its ‘university.’ These are free classes, but, of course, they have a book for sale. LVS Online offers inexpensive classes.
Lynda.com movie library open for subscription
Welcome to the lynda.com online training movie library Now lynda.com is offering access to their complete and most excellent movie library of tutorials in Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, UltraDev, Illustrator, Acrobat and design principles for only $25 a month. There are over 1400 movies available. Having used Lynda Weinman’s books to teach with several times solely because of the high educational value of the movies, I can only say, “What a bargain!”
SSI tutorials
BigNoseBird.Com’s Server Side Include Page (SSI) tells all about how to use SSI’s on your web site. These are a big time saver, but can’t be used on all servers.
First Bite of the Apple courses in XHTML
Beginner’s Course in XHTML is from New Zealand’s wonderful trainer Miraz Jordan. The Level Two Course in XHTML is also available.
Adobe Educational Licensing
Adobe’s educational licensing allows teachers to download Classroom in a Book free and use it in classrooms. This is printed matter only, not the CD with the lesson materials. However, the educational license allows teachers to buy one copy of the Classroom in a Book with the CD and then distribute the lesson materials to classroom computers along with the downloaded book text. You must register as an educator with Adobe.
Adobe offers many other Instructional Resources including a free Adobe Web Project curriculum, free online training, and Quicktime tutorials.