Useful links: YouTube Clips, iPads in Edu, CS6 is coming

Teachers will love this post that tells you how to find the exact part of a YouTube video you want to show and create a link to just that section. Finding the right moment (and many more YouTube tricks).

How the iPad is Changing Education. From ReadWriteWeb.

I’m seeing a few rumors about what’s coming in Dreamweaver in Adobe CS6. Looks like more support for HTML5 and mobile design, including integrated PhoneGap. Adobe has a new HTML site at

Finding the CSS3 possibilities in Dreamweaver 5.5

A brilliant examples of interface design that Dreamweaver designers use with some regularity is the CSS rule definition dialog window in Dreamweaver. This window has been approximately the same since the days of Macromedia when it was first instituted.

css rule definition dialog box

For many past versions of Dreamweaver, this dialog box covered the full range of what you could do to a generate a selector and write CSS for it. Since CSS3, it’s starting to show signs of age. Some of the new possibilities with CSS3 aren’t available in the options in the rule definition window.

That doesn’t mean Dreamweaver doesn’t have them. You just need to know where to find them.

Logically enough, the place to look is the CSS Panel. In the lower left corner of the CSS Panel, there are icons that allow you to look at CSS properties using either list view or category view. Here’s an example for a rule that uses border-radius to create rounded corners. Look at list view in the properties pane.

CSS panel list view

In list view, you see the list of potential properties that could be applied. The view shown is at the beginning of the alphabet. Those properties that have rule declarations assigned are indicated with information showing the value assigned. List view includes vendor prefix options listed in alphabetical order.

The other icon at the lower left of the CSS panel that will show you CSS3 possibilities is Category View. Here’s a look at the same rule with category view showing in the properties pane.

CSS panel category view

The categories are revealed using an accordion style slider to hide or show options. I have the Border category revealed here. Among other things, you see the CSS3 border-radius property. In Category view, Mozilla, Opera, Webkit, and Microsoft have individual category sections where you can find vendor prefix options. Scroll down to find the categories for various vendors to create rules for border-radius (or other properties) with vendor prefixes.


Using jQuery Mobile in Dreamweaver CS 5.5

Dreamweaver CS 5.5 has some built-in jQuery mobile functions that can help you design a mobile site. Going this route means one of two things:

  • You begin with the mobile site, enhanced with prebuilt jQuery Mobile functionality, and progressively enhance to create a site that will work on all devices.
  • You create a site just for mobile that is a separate design from your other site.

I’ll show you the basics of how to get started and what Dreamweaver is doing for you.

Open a new blank page using the DOCTYPE of your choice. Choose the jQuery Mobile category in the Insert panel. Choose the icon for jQuery Mobile Page, the first icon on the left in this view. (I like the Classic Workspace. Your view of the Insert panel may be different from this if you don’t use that Workspace, but the jQuery Mobile category will contain the same icons.)

jQuery New Page icon

Two dialog boxes appear. The first wants you to indicate whether you want to use the remote jQuery Mobile scripts and stylesheet, or install them locally. For this exercise, I’ll leave them as remote, but that might not be the best choice for actual use.

jquery mobile files dialog

The second asks you to assign an ID to the new mobile page. Dreamweaver suggest ‘page’ by default, which will be okay for this demo. You also choose whether or not to have a header and footer here.

jquery mobile page dialog

Clicking OK brings you back to the Dreamweaver document window. Let take a look at what your choices on the previous two dialog windows inserted into the document. The Design View doesn’t look like much.

jquery mobile basic page

What you Got Code-Wise

When you look at the Code View, you realize there’s a lot of work already done for you here.

jquery mobile basic code

  1. You see the links to the scripts and stylesheet. The styles show up in your Style panel and appear to be editable, but I would want to recopy them into a local CSS file myself just to be sure.
  2. You see that data-roles are assigned. This is how jQuery Mobile identifies what you are creating. One of the benefits of data-roles is that there are styling options associated with them.
When you look at the basic beginning page in Live View, you can see what the jQuery Mobile scripts and styles are doing for you in terms of presentation.

jquery basic live view

It needs work, but you have a start.

What else can you do?

Next, take a look at the rest of the options in the jQuery Mobile Category of the Insert panel.

jquery mobile insert menu

The first one on the left is the JQuery Mobile Page icon, already mentioned. From left to right, the others are:

  • JQuery Mobile List View
  • JQuery Mobile Layout Grid
  • JQuery Mobile Collapsible Block
  • JQuery Mobile Text Input
  • JQuery Mobile Password Input
  • JQuery Mobile Text Area
  • JQuery Mobile Select Menu
  • JQuery Mobile Checkbox
  • JQuery Mobile Radio Button
  • JQuery Mobile Button
  • JQuery Mobile Slider
  • JQuery Mobile Toggle Switch

I’ll walk through inserting one of these to give you an idea of what Dreamweaver does with it. How about the List View? I’ll create a space for it after the generic Header text and click the JQuery Mobile List View icon.

jquery mobile list view dialog

A dialog window opens. You choose the type of list, the number of items in the list, and several other choices including some pre-styled options if you want to use a split button. I’ll pick “Star” from the split button icons.

You see this in Design View.

jquery list in design view

You see this is Live View.

jquery list view in live view

This is what happened in Code View.

jquery mobile list view code

The other jQuery mobile icons work in a similar way. While this is just a beginning for you, it does get you off to an fast (and easy) start in designing a site specifically for mobile using jQuery Mobile scripts.

Going Responsive

If you are interested in taking a different approach with Dreamweaver CS 5.5 to create a site designed to be responsive and work in all device sizes, see my e-book How to Create a Responsive Web Design in Dreamweaver CS 5.5. Explaining how Dreamweaver helps you do that is a long story, so I packaged it as an e-book and am charging a small fee to download it.

Getting media queries to work in older browsers

The possibility that you may want media queries to work in older browsers does exist. We normally think of media queries as only being used to create responsive designs, which implies modern browsers on devices like iPhone or iPad. However, there is a JavaScript you can use if you need to support older browsers for other reasons.

There is native support for media queries in Firefox 3.5+, Opera 7+, Safari 3+ and Chrome. For browsers older than that, you can use css3mediaqueries.js, available free from Google.

If you are a Dreamweaver user, or have used my e-book “How to Create a Responsive Web Site Using Dreamweaver CS 5.5,” be aware that this script does not work with @import stylesheets. See Media Queries 101 for some tips on how to use methods other than @import rules for media query styles.

Now Available: How to Create a Responsive Web Site Using Dreamweaver CS 5.5

I’ve been thinking of writing about using the Dreamweaver CS 5.5 interface to create media queries lately. Dreamweaver’s system works, but it isn’t easy to figure out and doesn’t match up with what you read in articles by Ethan Marcotte and other responsive design gurus. The interface doesn’t explain itself well, and offers very little intuitive understanding of what you are trying to do.

Virginia DeBolt's site

I wanted to rework my home page at using Dreamweaver’s media query tools so I’d be sure I knew what I was doing before I started teaching Dreamweaver students how to use Dreamweaver to create a responsive design. My site is small and very simple–a perfect size for a brief class demo. It seemed a sensible idea to record my steps as I went through the process in Dreamweaver.

I quickly realized there was way too much information there to make it into a blog post. I ended up with 25 pages of text and images. An e-book seemed the perfect solution. I’m happy to announce the new e-book, available now: How to Create a Responsive Web Site Using Dreamweaver CS 5.5.

In the e-book, I start with a built-in Dreamweaver layout, adapt it so it will work with media queries, and then walk through the Dreamweaver WYSIWYG tools for adding media queries to make the layout responsive to various devices. I also talk about making images responsive in Dreamweaver.

The e-book costs $4.99. Order Here.

Adobe changes approach to Flash Player for Mobile

Adobe announced yesterday that it will stop developing the Flash Player for mobile devices. They will continue to support the Flash Player on desktop devices.

Their statement said,

Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores.

Adobe also claims to be committed to using HTML5 on mobile devices. Adobe has made some moves in the direction of HTML5 in Dreamweaver CS 5 and CS 5.5. (I expect the next version of Dreamweaver to be much more oriented to HTML5.)

Resources for using Media Queries in Dreamweaver 5.5

If you have Dreamweaver 5.5 and are wanting to use the new features for using Media Queries included, here are some resources to get to going.