The night before the event, there was a planning meeting for the volunteers.
Sheelah and Alonso at the planning meeting.
Marketing Your Business with WordPress
Marjorie R. Asturias presented this talk.
Marjorie emphasized the importance of the home page, the about page and the contact page. She explained when a blog could be useful to your business.
Getting into CSS

Eric Debelak gave this talk. He explained how to find selectors being used on a WordPress site using a web inspector so that they can be modified. He explained how to set up a child theme so that you could create new CSS for your theme.
He mentioned something that I didn’t know: Albuquerque residents with a library card get free access to
Break Time

Ingrid and Elaine were great chat partners during break time. Ingrid showed me how to use the web inspector in Chrome, which was very helpful.
During lunch I chatted with a woman from Denver named Sue. She drove down specifically for Wordcamp and was happy with what she was seeing. for Business Sites

Elizabeth Urello gave this presentation. I’ve been inspired by her at previous Wordcamps and was looking forward to this one.
She talked about how to set clients up on in a way that enables them to maintain and keep the site updated themselves. She mentioned how beginner friendly and secure it is. has many new capabilites as well.
Wohoo! You Have Your First Website Up and Running. Now what?

This talk was from Mark Carrera. He talked about what you do in the in-between states of website building. What you do between deciding to build the site and getting it running. He works for a school and emphasized the importance so far fresh content on a website.
Unlocking WordPress as a Framework

Danny Santoro talked about the components of WordPress and how those components can be used to build any sort of website you want. He talked about themes as for styling and display, not for functionality. He described some of the components to pull from.
Project Management 3 … 2 … Launch!

Hilary Fosdal spoke about the business of building websites rather than the development of the website. She talked about process – client intake forms, payment schedules, and business matters like that. Her talk was brilliantly organized and delivered. She should write a book about business process for creative firms.
This was my experience and my day at this year’s Albuquerue Wordcamp. Everyone has their own experience at these events, but you always come away with new information and new contacts and acquaintances. If there’s a Wordcamp anywhere near you, you’ll find it worth attending..