Useful links: Navigation, Measured responses, Meritocracy, PDF A11y,

5 Expert Tips for Improving Your Navigation Menu is from Usabilla blog.

Mike Montiero talks about measured responses online at The Pastry Box Project. He asks, “when your response is worse than the action that elicits it, then who’s the asshole?”

Once and for All: Tech is Not a Meritocracy is from Curious For a Living. The article concludes,

If we can agree that cognitive bias and 
internal barriers
 exist in the tech world (and I really, really hope that we can, because there’s plenty of evidence to support their existence), then we can begin to acknowledge the sometimes painful reality that we do not work in a pure meritocracy. That, in turn, will allow us to work creatively on strategies to help us to build systems that more closely resemble the merit-driven tech culture we so passionately want to see.

In A White Boy’s Observations of Sexism and the Adria Richards Fiasco, author MarkCC made some unbiased remarks, including,

What I do know is that for a member of the minority out-group, there is frequently no action that will be accepted as “right” if it includes the assertion that the majority did something offensive.

PDF Techniques for WCAG 2.0 from the W3C talks about tools and techniques and gets very specific about how to add tags, alt text, columns, form controls and more to PDF documents.


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