Web Teacher finally went mobile

Web Teacher on an iPhone with WPtouch styling

I feel like I need to apologize for taking so long to add a mobile friendly plugin to this site. Years ago, I created a print style sheet for the site, but I never made a stylesheet for handheld media.

Now there’s a plugin that does it for me. I recently installed the WPtouch plugin for WordPress. This easy-to-use plugin restyles your site into a mobile friendly appearance for iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Opera Mini, Palm Pre, Samsung touch and BlackBerry Storm and BlackBerry Torch.

The thing I especially love about WPtouch is that there is an option at the end of the page for folks viewing the mobile version to see the standard version instead. So users can pick whichever way they want to see the site.

It’s a great plugin.

It’s free.

If you’re not using it with your WordPress blog, I suggest you check it out.

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