SWIX is an analytics tool that tracks your success in social media. You can check how you’re doing over various time periods in your social media campaigns.
Right now you can try it free while it’s in beta. When the beta testing is over, there will still be a 14 day free trial. After that it’s $9 a month for a personal account, $29 a month for a professional account or $99 a month for a business account.
Here’s a company video that explains what the product does. It’s short, and there’s a blooper that makes it worth watching to the end.
TechCrunch makes their SWIX information public. You can see what kind of information they are tracking to get an idea of how your or your business could make use of SWIX.
Each data stream of information is called a “pod.” A pod is simply a social media tool that can be tracked, for example blog subscribers, Twitter followers, Facebook profiles or groups, YouTube channels, and others—you can see them all in the image.
You click the plus sign by one of the pod icons to add it to your pods. You can then add the metrics from that pod to your “reports” by clicking the plus sign in the pod window.
You use the menu items at the bottom of the pod window to display graphs, edit, refresh, collapse or remove that pod from your pod choices. I tracked my Twitter account for 2 whole days and got this graph as a visual for how I’m doing.
The graphs also appear as part of your report page, which you can see in the TechCrunch example in you click the menu item “Report.”
Mentions and reviews of SWIX
- At Tech Hot Spot
- At Brian Green Consultancy
- At Technorati Small Business
- At Schmoozd
- Jenn Skibo on Twitter
- Jaz on Twitter
Some conclusions
If you are running a business and investing money and hours in social media campaigns, this tool can help you track your success. Check it out.
For a blogger or a small web site owner, SWIX might not be something you need to spend your money on. There are other anlytics tools that might be more helpful such as Post Rank, Woopra or Google Analytics.