Teach Naked. What do you think about this idea as a way to teach web design or web development classes? You definitely need a computer lab, but how about the idea for lecture delivery and class discussion?
Sony Plans to Adopt a Common Format for eBooks. This may finally bring the lower priced competition to the Kindle into common use on more campuses where the current standard is the Kindle. Do you see this making a difference?
5 Questions with Chris Brogan. Trust Agents looks like a valuable book for students and users of social media. I probably will never have a chance to actually review it here, so am referring you to this interview.
The Power of the Retweet on Twitter at Webgrrls has a good graphic showing the mathematical effect of a retweet. Appropriate today since Twitter announced revamping the retweet API.
And here I am advocating teaching hands on all the time, to better engage students!
I’m very interested in the teaching naked idea. I certainly think we can do with less powerpoints. And it makes a lot of sense if you are talking about large classes. But I’m also very suspicious of this idea. Creating on-line learning material is such a specialised skill. Even more so if you are talking about a video taped lecture. I tend not to lecture any more at all. I get my students to tell me what to do as much as possible. Or I say “I am about to make a mistake. Lets see who can spot it..”
So yes, certain types of content could benefit from this. But then I’m also not sure why it needs to be a podcast. Just get them to read the articles on line, ahead of time.
As for the statement that “if everyone were to write a textbook, you would get a lot of lousy textbooks” ignores the fact that a teacher suits their lectures to the context of their students – their history, what they connect with, etc etc.
There is something a bit creepy for me about the idea of the whole world tapping into lectures given in first world universities…although I suppose you could say that the teacher could right the balance during discussion time. Lots to think about here.
Hello Moto 😎