Deadly Oversights

I’m a fan of Marcia Yudkin’s Marketing Minute, a free weekly email with a brief marketing idea. This week she talks about judging the potentially award winning sites that are up for this year’s Webby Awards. She says she is amazed by the failures of some of the sites and lists a few of what she terms “deadly oversights:”

  • A hotel that mentions nowhere on the home page where it’s
  • Financial information sites that invite people to sign up
    without saying what members receive or what membership costs
  • Sites for residential complexes that neglect to say when construction will be completed and whether units are
  • An employment firm hiding one digit in its toll-free
    number in the site’s top banner
  • Blogs written in first person without any clue anywhere
    who “I” is

A reminder that the old rule that every web page should answer three questions still is a good one. The three questions are a) where am I? b) where can I go? c) where have I been?

Addendum 12/15/06 A post by another Webby judge today, Meryl Evans, said, “As I review web sites for the Webbys, I’m still seeing the same problems I saw last year, the year before that… repeat.” Wow. With these two judges sounding so discouraged about the quality of the entries, it makes you ponder just how much honor a Webby Award should convey to the winners.

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